Game expansions are one of the most debated topics in modern gaming. In the past, expansions were treated as full length or nearly full length games released between major titles. Developers poured significant effort into them, like Command & Conquer: Yuri’s Revenge or the two expansions for Heroes of Might and Magic 3.
Today, most additional content comes in the form of downloadable content (DLC) via digital stores. Occasionally, we get lucky with physical “Game of the Year” or “Complete Edition” releases for consoles.
DLC quality varies widely between games and companies. Some sell “Season Passes” that include minimal content and barely justify their cost. Others genuinely invest in their DLC, offering several hours of additional gameplay. Unfortunately, many fall into the first category, and it’s rare to find DLC that’s truly a “must play.”
Why should you check out the DLCs for South Park: The Fractured But Whole?
The game offers five DLCs, all included in the Game Pass, which is worth purchasing unless you already own the Gold Edition. These include a survival mode featuring virtual fights, some costumes from the first game, “Stick of Truth”, and Towelie, the tip giving companion (and weed addicted towel…). While fun, these feel more like bonus features that should’ve been part of the main game (but hey, Ubisoft is Ubisoft).
The real gems are the two story expansions: From Dusk Till Casa Bonita and Bring the Crunch. These deserve your attention because they add substantial content and charm that shouldn’t be overlooked.
From Dusk Till Casa Bonita
The first story expansion tasks you with infiltrating the Casa Bonita restaurant to rescue Mysterion’s (Kenny’s) sister from vampire kids. Luckily, a member of the goth kids joins your team, introducing a new class called Netherborn.
This class comes with unique abilities, such as draining energy from enemies, making it particularly effective against the vampires you’ll encounter.
Beyond the new class, the DLC includes several environmental puzzles, offering around 3–4 hours of gameplay—not bad at all. There are also fun references, some unrelated to South Park, but I won’t spoil them for you!
Bring the Crunch
The second story DLC, Bring the Crunch, is set in a summer camp that quickly turns into a full blown slasher horror story reminiscent of Friday the 13th.
This is easily the wackier of the two expansions and arguably the better one. A superhero from outer space joins your team, combining the powers of berries and mint: strawberries boost your stats, while mint slows enemies. (It’s Bradley’s alter ego from one of the series’ more ridiculous episodes.)
The DLC introduces another new class, The Final Girl, inspired by the trope of the lone survivor in slasher films. This class is ridiculously fun but a bit overpowered, allowing you to take down even strong enemies with ease. However, I didn’t test it against bosses in the main campaign.
Is It Worth Buying?
In my opinion, yes—especially if you can snag the Season Pass during a sale for around $10. You might need a refresher with the main campaign, but this is a fantastic game worth revisiting if you have the time.